Jul 9, 2021 | Business phones, VoIP Telephone Service
If you’ve ever worked from home, on the road, or virtually in any capacity, you’ve probably thought “There’s gotta be a better way”? Sound familiar? The resounding rally cry of remote workers worldwide has not gone unheard. All in one voice, video, messaging and...
Jan 2, 2020 | Business phones, VoIP Telephone Service
If you operate a small business or are planning on starting one, you are not alone. Small businesses are one of the most common and recognized forms of businesses today. One of the challenges of small business is choosing the right business communications tool. Some...
Oct 1, 2019 | VoIP Telephone Service
Phones have changed a lot over the last couple of decades and even more so with the addition of VOIP Phone Services. These changes have had a great impact on business around the world. Despite the advances in phone technology, the introduction of email, texting, and...
Jun 20, 2019 | VoIP Telephone Service
One of the first tasks for anyone starting a business is ensuring reliable phone access. A lot of work is done on networked computers, but offices still need phones for day-to-day communications. Older, proprietary phone systems were quite expensive, and they were...
May 20, 2019 | VoIP Telephone Service
The global Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services market is expected to swell to$140 billion by 2021 — up from $83 billion in 2015. Mobile VoIP and less reliance on traditional landlines are just two factors fueling this astronomical growth. Now, more...