Companies, regardless of size or industry, should focus on team productivity. Workplace Productivity is a vital component in achieving maximum-efficiency for your organization. It can help reduce overhead cost, create a positive office culture, reinforce healthy working relationships with colleagues, and define an ideal working environment for the whole company.
Among innovations available to businesses today, none have proven more effective to support productivity than Hosted VoIP. Hosted VoIP has been noted for its ability to provide teams with the right tools that empower collaboration and communication in the office, both of which are critical elements to ensure a highly productive workplace.
Since the introduction, Hosted VoIP has evolved to become more efficient, powerful, and reliable. So it’s no wonder that more and more companies are beginning to adopt the technology. And for those who have made the switch, they’ve seen a significant spike in team productivity. Here are a few examples.
Increase Employee Mobility
More and more companies are beginning to see the value of work-from-home programs. When employees are not required to be in a physical office every day, overhead costs are reduced. It also helps boost productivity once you remove unnecessary commuting from the equation. In fact, one study finds that employees who telecommute usually work seven or more hours than those who have to report to a physical office.
Hosted VoIP is the ideal solution to provide employee mobility without sacrificing employee collaboration and communication. It gives employees a reliable and easy way to communicate using the devices they already have and use every day. Telephone Connections, for instance, lets users access their office phone via any browser, allowing them to work using their home computers and personal devices to communicate to clients and colleagues via the internet. And features such as our Mobile allows employees to use their smartphones as their business phones by simply downloading an app.
Additionally, it should not be ignored how the mobile workforce has become a global movement. Workforce mobility and programs like hot desking let businesses streamline their operations, improve productivity, and upgrade communications.
More Efficient Communication Platforms
Hosted VoIP allows employees to centralize their communication efforts. It eliminates the need to check multiple emails, use several chat or messenger apps, or maintain and retrieve messages via several platforms. With Single Sign-On integrations, for example, you can use your business Gmail address to log in to your work email, minimizing confusion when it comes to logins or possible miscommunication between colleagues.
This reduces costly errors, miscommunication between colleagues, and saves businesses time.
Better Office Collaboration
Hosted VoIP helps connect colleagues and facilitates office collaboration. It’s also easier for teams to host focused, efficient conference calls that allow users to visualize participants, know who is calling, identify who is talking and mute or remove participants as needed.
It actually helps make conference calls effective and simple while ensuring that remote teams better communicate and coordinate, no matter the distance.
Easy Integration
Businesses today are built to operate on the Internet, and finding technology that can complement your existing resources is an essential requirement. Hosted VoIP’s popularity is anchored in its ability to fit seamlessly into a company’s existing cloud-based solutions to help you manage multiple business functions via a single communication platform.
The system is designed to be simple, easy to use, and intuitive and can be integrated with current CRM software, supports cloud-based backup features, accounting and bookkeeping systems, and project management platforms. Not only does this make operations more efficient, but it also gives businesses more opportunity to focus on other important aspects of running their organization. It also minimizes delays and errors caused by communication problems.
Better Customer Coordination
Hosted VoIP enables teams to coordinate with clients more efficiently. It gives employees more time to focus on delivering quality customer service.
Not only does a centralized communication system allow companies to oversee operations easily, but integration with CRM platforms also makes it easier for teams to search for customer information, or coordinate with customers. A Hosted VoIP system also gives teams the option to be immediately accessible to clients through calls, texts, and conferencing features. This gives employees the opportunity to attend to customer concerns even when they’re away from their desks. And because Hosted VoIP works seamlessly with mobile devices, you’re also removing the boundaries of traditional phone lines that restrict employee productivity to their desks.
In conclusion, there are many ways a company can boost productivity in the workplace. Technological innovations like Hosted VoIP, however, highlight just how easily you can manage different aspects of your operations. Hosted VoIP is an essential tool your company should consider to achieve your business goals. If you want more information about VoIP for your business visit our Hosted VoIP Page or contact us for a Free Consultation.